Welcome to The Literacy Cookbook

Recipes for Effective Literacy Instruction

MS English Lessons & Units

This page is still being developed, but here is a start.  If you are looking for ideas about how to teach a research paper, check out the Research Paper Guide.  For materials on writing a literary response paper, check out the Literary Response Paper Guide.  If you want to incorporate Socratic Seminars or Book Talk Projects, check out those specific pages.  For more general strategies, check out READINGWRITING, etc.

NEW: The Common Core Mapping Website is looking for lesson plan submissions, and you will find some sample lesson plans HERE.

Looking for sample Common Core-aligned units? Here is one for grades 7-8.  As Ed Week noted: called "Persuasion Across Time and Space," the five-lesson unit is the first major classroom resource produced by the Understanding Language team, a group of English-language-learner experts led by Kenji Hakuta, an education professor at Stanford University, to help educators grasp the central role of language in the rigorous Common Core State Standards and to give teachers resources for providing higher levels of instruction and demanding content to ELL students.

Want to review the FOUR CRITICAL READING SKILLS (paraphrasing, inference, vocabulary in context, and summarizing/inferring main idea) and teach your students how to identify test questions that deal with these skills?  Check out this Sample LESSON PLAN TO LABEL CRITICAL READING QUESTIONS and HANDOUTS for the lesson.  Also, here are some NEW lesson plans (which include needed materials):

If you teach THE GIVER by Lois Lowry, here is an excellent MiddleWeb blog post by Amber Chandler with some thoughts on how to approach it, including free resources!

If you teach Animal Farm by George Orwell, here's a free YouTube audiobook that your students can listen to. (Thanks to Roman Usatin for this link!)

IN THE DOWNLOAD ZONE for MS Lessons and Units:

For questions of text selection, see Selected Texts for Grades 4-12 ELA.


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