Project-Based Learning
This page curates some fundamental information about PBL (project-based learning).
To learn more about PBL, you should check out BIE (Buck Institute for Education).
- What is PBL? Click HERE for a quick overview. Click HERE for a detailed overview, "Seven Essentials for Project-Based Learning" by John Farmer and John R. Mergendoller (Educational Leadership, September 2010 | Volume 68 | Number 1 Giving Students Meaningful Work Pages 34-37)
- To see BIE's PBL resources, click HERE.
- To search for project ideas and materials, click HERE.
- For PBL rubrics, click HERE.
Edutopia also shares numerous resources on PBL.
- This article by Frank McKay, "5 PBL Pitfalls to Avoid," is very useful (Oct. 25, 2017).
Cult of Pedagogy also shares an informative overview HERE.
Considering Project-Based Learning instead of a traditional research paper? Check out this Edutopia piece, "Project-Based Learning and the Research Paper" by Brandie Provenzano, which includes lots of practical tips.
Princeton-Blairstown Center provides numerous online resources for SEL, STEM, and STEAM activities here.