Welcome to The Literacy Cookbook

Recipes for Effective Literacy Instruction

AI Policy

·      Why do we need an AI policy?

·      What should our AI policy include?  Got any sample materials?

·      How should we cite AI?


Why do we need an AI policy?
This is happening.  Pretending AI tools don’t exist and “banning” them will not accomplish that goal because students will still be able to access them on their phones and devices at home.  We’re now living in a world where everyone needs to learn how to use AI tools EFFECTIVELY.


For guidance on where to start, please watch my 32-min video on “Planning for A.I. Implementation: Strategic Support for Leaders.”  It addresses:

  1. How can ChatGPT (and Bard, Khanmigo, and Diffit) save teachers and leaders time?
  2. How can we use ChatGPT and other A.I. tools most effectively in the classroom?
  3. How should we begin in planning for A.I. implementation?
  4. What are some PD options to support your staff?


PS--Here’s the FREE PDF of the slides.


Here are some additional resources that address the WHY question:


What should our AI policy include?  Got any sample materials?



How should we cite AI?

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