Welcome to The Literacy Cookbook

Recipes for Effective Literacy Instruction

Miscellaneous Resources

Here are some additional useful Weblinks for teachers and school leaders....  If you have any suggestions for this list, please Email me at: sarahtantillo@literacycookbook.com.


The Main Idea
THE MAIN IDEA creates an 8-page summary of a current education book each month. This summary contains the core ideas of the book, and organizes those ideas with enough accompanying details and examples, so you can have a working knowledge of its content. At the end, THE MAIN IDEA includes a full page of suggestions for ways to use the ideas in the book for professional development of your staff.

The Marshall Memo
A weekly round-up of important ideas and research in K-12 education.

MiddleWeb: Of Particular Interest
A bi-weekly newsletter featuring web-based resources "of particular interest" to middle grades educators and others dedicated to the academic success of young adolescents.  Also, check out their "50 Favorite Websites for the Middle Grades"!

Murphy Writing Seminars
Challenging and supportive workshops for writers and teachers; Peter Murphy, another teacher/writer/consultant, is a kindred spirit.

Only Good Books
If you're looking for something good to read, check out my blog!

Open Court Resources
If you use the Open Court textbook series, here is a helpful link.

Poetry 180
Former Poet Laureate Billy Collins’ initiative to post 180 poems for high school students to read and hear, one for each day of the school year.

"Poets in Performance" by Bill Moyers & Company.
"Over the years, Bill Moyers has welcomed some of America’s best poets to share their works and inspiration. Many of those writers have performed at the Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival, which Bill and his colleagues covered for television specials including Fooling with Words (1999), The Language of Life (1995) and Sounds of Poetry(1999). Below, enjoy a showcase of such poetry from past productions and very recently fromMoyers & Company, performed by the poets who dreamed them up, or by other artists who, like Bill, simply adore poetry."

Princeton-Blairstown Center
If you are looking for an organization that provides SEL (socio-emotional learning) training and support to students and adults, check out PBC!  The
mission: "PBC empowers young people, primarily from under-resourced communities to strengthen their social-emotional skills through experiential, environmental, and adventure-based programming."  (Full disclosure: I am the Board Chair of PBC.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via Email at sarahtantillo@literacycookbook.com)

The Literacy Cookbook Blog
This blog features my current thinking and offers up-to-the-minute resources to strengthen literacy instruction, and you can follow it for FREE.

The New Teacher Project's Teacher Talent Toolbox
This Website provides dozens and dozens of FREE "school-tested strategies for growing great teacher teams."

Write Source
Write Source is a group of teachers and writers who develop materials for students and instructors from kindergarten through twelfth grade.  The site includes  writing topics, student writing models, and information on how to judge sources.



Building Excellent Schools
Building Excellent Schools (BES) serves as a national model for supporting excellence in public education through the national charter school movement. BES focuses on improving urban education by providing support for designing, launching and sustaining urban charter schools -- independently-managed public schools.

National Alliance for Public Charter Schools
The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools is the leading national nonprofit organization committed to advancing the charter school movement. Our goal is to increase the number of high-quality charter schools available to all families, particularly in disadvantaged communities that lack access to quality public schools. The Alliance provides assistance to state charter school associations and resource centers, develops and advocates for improved public policies, and serves as the united voice for this large and diverse movement.

NJ Dept. of Education Charter Schools Office
Here you will find a directory of NJ charter public schools, the charter school application, and a wealth of information about starting and operating a charter school in NJ.

NJ Charter Schools Association
The mission of the New Jersey Charter Schools Association is to advance educational choice for New Jersey’s children through quality public charter schools.

New Leaders
The mission of New Leaders is to ensure high academic achievement for every student by attracting and preparing outstanding leaders and supporting the performance of the urban public schools they lead at scale.


Jersey Shore Web Studios
The firm which designed this Website.  Highly recommended!!!!

SwellColors Glass Studio
Featuring the amazing artwork of my sister, Mary.

Tantillo Architecture
Featuring the award-winning designs of my brother Christopher.


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